'John Valentino gives a tour of the Tree Fresno Demonstration Garden, explaining how they transformed the soil without tilling and only using all organic products. John breaks down the frustrations of hard & clay soil and how to combat them, prescribing a treatment that will fix even the most troublesome compact, hard soil! Afterwards, John describes some of the drought resistant plants they have showcased in the demonstration garden and explains how to help these specific plants thrive. Using the tips in this video in tandem with John & Bob’s smart soil products you will be able to completely change your soil and grow the garden you’ve always dreamed of. If you find this video informative and want to learn more about organic soil products, then be sure to check out our website (www.johnandbobs.com) and follow us on social media! www.johnandbobs.com - CHECK OUT OUR WEBSITE! @johnandbobs - FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK/INSTAGRAM/TWITTER! soil, garden, garden soil, organic, garden tips, compost, food, soil food web, johnandbobs, john & bobs, maximize, optimize, nourish-biosol, blend, penetrate, smart soil solutions, improve soil, soil food, organic matter, chip chat, fresno, outdoor space, tree fresno, demonstration garden, clay soil, hard soil, compact soil, drought resistant, soil depth, soil probe, soil life, microbes, kelp, minerals, lavender, agave, screen shrub, texas ranger, green cloud, california Music: www.bensound.com https://youtu.be/V9Qad2xSkLI'
Tags: Food , Organic , california , garden , minerals , outdoor space , Lavender , FRESNO , garden tips , Microbes , blend , Soil , soil food web , compost , Texas Ranger , kelp , agave , optimize , organic matter , maximize , Garden Soil , johnandbobs , john & bobs , nourish-biosol , penetrate , improve soil , smart soil solutions , soil food , chip chat , compact soil , clay soil , soil life , hard soil , tree fresno , demonstration garden , drought resistant , soil depth , soil probe , screen shrub , green cloud
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